The Human Plague

10 years 2.8K Views
Earth is home to millions of species, yet just one dominates it: Us. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities are the drivers of almost every global problem we face, and as we continue to grow, every one of these problems is set to grow. We are in trouble, are heading into deeper trouble, and are doing little about it. In this talk, I shall aim to set out some of the problems that we look set to face as a consequence.


Stephen Emmott is Head of Computational Science, Microsoft. He leads an inter-disciplinary research programme, centred around Microsoft’s Computational Science Laboratory, based in Cambridge. Stephen completed a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (Psych) at the University of York, and a PhD. in computational neuroscience at the Centre for Cognitive & Computational Neuroscience, University of Stirling.